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Has anyone seen Gordon Henderson?

You are here: Home / Blog / Politics / Has anyone seen Gordon Henderson?
I have been in NY this week and have missed the furore over Greece, the EU and the future of the euro debates in Parliament.

This morning I was reading my FT and saw in The Letters page that 10 newly elected 2010 Tory MPs had signed a letter which is headlined "An opportunity for the UK to shape Europe's post-crisis order". Knowing that Gordon Henderson, also elected in 2010, and avowedly anti-European, I looked for his signature. But alas, it was missing. Why? Is he not connected in to the Tory grapevine?

I stepped down as the MP for Sittingbourne & Sheppey in May, 2010 after 13 years. I still receive between five and ten emails/phone calls a week asking for my help. I tell my former constituents that they must contact my successor. They tell me they have but nothing happens (hospital issue), that replies take time (student fees) or he takes the Tory line (on the retirement age for women's' pensions being extended) despite telling the electorate he would be independent of mind and stick up for his constituents. He has put a link to a local business web site on his own web site which he thought was worthy of mention in the Chamber as though that will do anything other than drive people to his site. 


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